Marshal Haggard

Marshal Haggard


Group N101 – Water Supply and Sanitation
Marshal is on the right, squatting in the front row.

Photos shared by Steve Fowler, a fellow volunteer and training roommate, standing 2nd from right in the back row.

Marshal died in a drowning accident in October, 1981.

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2 Responses to Marshal Haggard

  1. Jeff Whitlock July 5, 2023 at 5:01 pm #

    Thank you Steve. Marshal was my Freshman roommate at Cornell and Fraternity brother. Our parents were Fraternity brothers and Sorority sisters as well. I’m going to share this link with my fellow fraternity brothers as we prepare for a reunion zoom call next month.

  2. jeffrey craig May 31, 2017 at 5:54 pm #

    Thank you, Steve Fowler, for sharing these photos of Marshall.

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