I am the Country Director in Tonga and we are working on a memorial plaque for our two fallen PCVs here. We cannot seem to find Deborah’s DOB. Can you help?
Hi Craig,
I was a volunteer in Deb’s group. We were very close from the time we stayed in homestays only a few doors apart. I was recently in Tonga over the holidays, as my wife is Tongan and my daughter is currently serving in the Peace Corps there. I just wanted to say I was so moved by the memorial they have there for Deb. It was so deserved, even tho it was so long in the making. I just came across thise email feed that you responded to, so I wanted to reach out.
‘Ofa ‘atu!
Mark Stiffler PCV Tonga XVI
I am the Country Director in Tonga and we are working on a memorial plaque for our two fallen PCVs here. We cannot seem to find Deborah’s DOB. Can you help?
25 February 1953
Hi Craig,
I was a volunteer in Deb’s group. We were very close from the time we stayed in homestays only a few doors apart. I was recently in Tonga over the holidays, as my wife is Tongan and my daughter is currently serving in the Peace Corps there. I just wanted to say I was so moved by the memorial they have there for Deb. It was so deserved, even tho it was so long in the making. I just came across thise email feed that you responded to, so I wanted to reach out.
‘Ofa ‘atu!
Mark Stiffler PCV Tonga XVI