Nathalie was the daughter of a childhood friend & neighbor, Paul Waldinger. My parents met her at Waldinger weddings as she was growing up. Her grandmother proudly called to tell my mother that Nathalie was going into the Peace Corps just like I had in Africa. We later heard the sad news that an elephant had charged her. It was cosidered a freak accident. Paul, her father, was never the same& he died during surgery a bit later. I have heard so much about Nathalie but never met her. To her memory. Kathy Davidson RPCV Cameroon 1984-87
Nathalie was the daughter of a childhood friend & neighbor, Paul Waldinger. My parents met her at Waldinger weddings as she was growing up. Her grandmother proudly called to tell my mother that Nathalie was going into the Peace Corps just like I had in Africa. We later heard the sad news that an elephant had charged her. It was cosidered a freak accident. Paul, her father, was never the same& he died during surgery a bit later. I have heard so much about Nathalie but never met her. To her memory. Kathy Davidson RPCV Cameroon 1984-87
I did not know that Natalie’s father dead later. I am Natalie’s student at Bihawana Secondary School (1999-2000).